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Cloud Storage

As a Cloud Storage trigger is a little more complex, there are some variables that are left empty by default and MUST be filled in manually.

Official Docs

For more information about Cloud Storage triggers, check out the official docs.


Because you're using a Cloud Storage trigger, the --trigger-resource and --trigger-event are added WITHOUT the value being set. These are required to be set manually. Check the above docs for examples of what is needed.

The run_pipeline is a simple function created to simply read in the request, unpackage it, and call your pipeline with the arguments. This is the function that will be called when the trigger is run. Note we only use the event variable by default and don't interact with context. While it can be useful, it didn't seem necessary to be used by default.

Note that the Cloud Storage used bucket change as the lowest granularity. This means that you can't focus on just a certain file or file type. This can be done in the run_pipeline function by accessing the event["name"] attribute and checking if it matches the file you want to trigger on.