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Configure GitHub repository

Setup branches

Now that we've pushed our repository to GitHub we'll see a main branch with all the code but you rarely want to push code directly to main. To mitigate this, lets create a development branch for which to actively develop code and then move it to main once we think it's safe for production. To do so, simply:

  1. Click on the "main" dropdown button your repo's homepage
  2. Type in "development" in the search bar
  3. Select "Create branch: development from main".

Note if 'development' is not used. You must change the branch reference in certain files within the '.github/workflows' directory for CI checks to work.

As seen with main, you'll see Actions being run for development. This is because main and development are the two branches enabled for actions. To alter this, checkout out Line 6 in your .github/workflows/code_quality_checks.yml file.

That is the base needed for the CI system to work. If you wish to add further protection to your repository visit the Settings -> Branches section of your repo. This will allow you to add things like protected branches and/or required reviews.